Västra Götaland County

Popular cities in Västra Götaland County
Known for Dining, Shopping and Business
With its wide streets and waterways, fascinating maritime history, seafood smorgasbords and many parks and museums, this easygoing city is well worth exploring.
Reasons to visit
- Nordstan Shopping Center
- Liseberg Amusement Park
- Universeum
Known for Churches, Mountains and Castle
Book a weekend in Lidkoping and admire beautiful buildings, buy unique handicrafts and explore gorgeous nature.
Reasons to visit
- Lacko Castle
- Stadsträdgården
- St. Nicholas Church
Known for Monuments, Museums and Waterparks
Plan a fun weekend in Boras; adventures, culture, shopping and a unique insight into Sweden's fashion and textile industries await.
Reasons to visit
- Boras Arena
Known for Spas, Ports and Marinas
With a picturesque location right by the sea Stromstad offers exciting nature adventures all year round. Combine sunny beach days with exciting excursions and shopping.
Known for Sea, Seafood and Marinas
Experience the Swedish coast at it's beast in this idyllic town. Wander along smooth granite cliffs and enjoy salty sea air and sun in the picturesque town of Lysekil.
Known for Rivers, Museums and Waterfalls
Trollhattan in western Sweden is famous as the founding place for the car manufacturer Saab, for its film studio and for its powerful waterfalls.
Cities in Västra Götaland County

Gothenburg (and vicinity)
With its wide streets and waterways, fascinating maritime history, seafood smorgasbords and many parks and museums, this easygoing city is well worth exploring.

With a picturesque location right by the sea Stromstad offers exciting nature adventures all year round. Combine sunny beach days with exciting excursions and shopping.

Plan a fun weekend in Boras; adventures, culture, shopping and a unique insight into Sweden's fashion and textile industries await.

This coastal town in western Sweden has a unique personality and charm, an array of medieval sights, excellent gastronomy and beautiful lakes.

Uddevalla is situated on the Swedish west coast, where Bavean meets Byfjorden. It is the county of Bohuslans largest town, and it is a great base close to the archipelago, shopping and activities.

Experience the Swedish coast at it's beast in this idyllic town. Wander along smooth granite cliffs and enjoy salty sea air and sun in the picturesque town of Lysekil.

Trollhattan in western Sweden is famous as the founding place for the car manufacturer Saab, for its film studio and for its powerful waterfalls.
AlingsasAngeredAskimBengtsforsBilldalBohus-MalmonBoråsBralandaBrannoBrastadCentrumDonsöEdEllosFalkopingFiskebackskilFjallbackaFlodaGothenburg (and vicinity)GrebbestadGrundsundGöteneHamburgsundHarrydaHenånHerrljungaHindasHisingenHisings BackaHjoHonoHovaHunnebostrandHyssnaHälleviksstrandHåverudKapelle-TureborgKarlsborgKinnaKlaedesholmenKlovedalKodeKungshamnKungälvKvanumKäringönKärnaKålleredLandvetterLerumLidköpingLilla EdetLindomeLjungskileLundsbrunnLysekilMariestadMarstrandMellerudMollösundMunkedalMyggenäsMölndalMölnlyckeNolNosundOrbyOrust ÖOxnevallaPartilleRoennaengSjotorpSkaerhamnSkaraSkovdeSmogenStenungsundStromstadStyrsoSvinesundSydkosterSörhaga-CentrumTanumTibroTidaholmTolleredTorslandaTrollhattanTörebodaUddevallaUlricehamnVanersborgVaraVargonVastra FrolundaVästerlandaVårgårdaÅmålÖckerö