Jiboia Project

Jiboia Project featuring interior views

Listen to a snake expert demystify the behavior of non-venomous snakes and take the opportunity to have your picture taken while holding a boa constrictor.

Jibóia Project (Projeto Jibóia) is a one-man mission to educate people about non-venomous snakes and to dispel the misconceptions associated with them. Brazilian snake-lover Henrique Naufal set up the Jibóia Project in 2005 and he invites you to take a guided tour of his environmental park. Learn about the behavioral aspects of snakes and their ecological benefit. Peek inside terrariums and pose for a photo with a huge snake.

The visit to the attraction starts with a 90-minute lecture in Portuguese about non-venomous snakes. It includes information about their eating habits and role as predators that control the numbers of rodents. Listen to the debunking of myths that serpents, such as boa constrictors and pythons, are a threat to humans. Then, understand how they can be reared and trained to become common house pets.

Ask the owner-lecturer any questions you may have about snakes. He is bilingual, therefore able to give answers in English. You can also watch a short video presentation, which explains the reproductive life of snakes.

After the talk, you can stand and have a boa constrictor placed on your shoulders. Experience the spine-tingling sensation of the snake wrapping itself around your arms and body. Hold the snake by the neck, look into its eyes and watch it flick its fork-shaped tongue in and out. Jibóia Project is home to 12 boa constrictors and one python, some of which you can see being fed with mice in the enclosed terrariums.

Jibóia Project is about a 20-minute walk from the Public Square, in the heart of Bonito’s town center. The project is open daily and talks start at 7 p.m. Capacity is limited so arrive early, especially on weekends and during the peak season months of January and February. Additional information is available on the project’s official website.

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