Gunlom Plunge Pool

Kakadu National Park which includes a cascade and a lake or waterhole

Jump into the sparkling turquoise waters of this idyllic natural pool, where spectacular rocks and a scenic waterfall form the perfect backdrop for a swim.

Visit Gunlom Plunge Pool to experience outdoor swimming at its finest. This beautiful spot combines many of the features that make the Australian countryside so uniquely striking: a rugged landscape, a spectacular waterfall, lush gum trees and a clear, natural water hole. The elevated position of the pool itself also provides an excellent vantage point for taking in the beautiful vistas for miles around.

Gunlom Plunge Pool and Gunlom Waterfall are among the many natural wonders to be found within Kakadu National Park. This UNESCO World Heritage-listed park is a great destination for a family day out. It’s astonishingly scenic and is also home to a wide range of native species. Be ready to make use of the park’s many campsites, as one day here is rarely enough.

Set up camp at Gunlom Plunge Pool itself to be close to this highlight of the park. Take advantage of the many facilities near this popular camping spot, including picnic areas, barbecue facilities and public restrooms. With all this nearby, it’s easy to wake up each day right next to one of the park’s most impressive landmarks.

Spend your days swimming in Gunlom Plunge Pool and picnicking on the shore. Climb to the top of the waterfall to enjoy gorgeous views of the park. Be sure to bring your camera.

Explore the surrounding areas, such as Murrill Billabong, which is rich with bird life. Spot crocodiles basking in the South Alligator River, but remember to keep well back from the edge of the water. If you love to hike, set aside a day to follow some of the Yurmikmik trails, which form a network across some of the park’s prettiest spots.

Rent a four-wheel drive and organize your own trip to the Gunlom Plunge Pools or join one of the tours run by the many local adventure tour companies. There is an entry fee for Kakadu National Park, but given the wealth of beauty and wildlife it grants access to, it can be considered a great investment.

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