Eldorado do Sul
Visit Eldorado do Sul
Where to stay in Eldorado do Sul
Parque Eldorado 4
You might make a stop by Balneário Passo da Barca while you're exploring Parque Eldorado 4.
Sans Souci
Sans Souci might not have many top sights, but Usina do Gasometro Cultural Center and Orla do Guaíba are two attractions nearby that you can check out.
Parque Eldorado 2
You might make a stop by Balneário Passo da Barca while you're exploring Parque Eldorado 2.
Bom Retiro
While visiting Bom Retiro, you might make a stop by sights like Praia da Alegria and BarraShoppingSul Mall.
Parque Eldorado 3
When in Parque Eldorado 3, you can plan a visit to Balneário Passo da Barca and State Coal Museum, some noteworthy sights in the nearby area.
Cidade Verde
If you're looking for some top things to see and do in Cidade Verde and surrounding area, you can visit Usina do Gasometro Cultural Center and Mario Quintana Cultural House.
Reviewed on 25 Sep,2023
Reviewed on 28 Aug,2024
Reviewed on 27 Nov,2024
Reviewed on 9 Jun,2022
Reviewed on 4 May,2024
Reviewed on 22 May,2024