Discover the sweet world of chocolate at the Chocolate Museum Zagreb. Explore the history of chocolate, taste nine types of chocolate, and take a selfie in a mystical rainforest, a baroque royal court, or in Willy Wonkaâs magical chocolate factory.
Learn about the history of chocolate, going back as far as the ancient indigenous tribes of South and Mesoamerica. Taste nine types of chocolate from a sample box, and take a selfie in a mystical rainforest, a baroque royal court, or in Willy Wonkaâs magical chocolate factory.
Grind cocoa beans using a metate like the Aztecs did or make a foamy chocolate drink like the Mayas. The museum is ideal for family trips, hangouts with friends, and for romantic dates alike. Guided tours are available in Croatian, English, and German, while all exhibits are in Croatian and English.
Visit the Chocolate Museum Zagreb, enjoy top attractions, and leave enriched by new knowledge, excellent taste, and memories that will always make you smile.