Embark on a captivating exploration of the world's largest Impressionist art collection, nestled within the grandeur of a 19th-century former railway station on the picturesque banks of the Seine. Opt for an intimate semi-private tour, limited to 6 guests, or a lively group tour, accommodating up to 25 participants. Both options grant you swift access, ensuring you skip the lengthy queues and dive straight into the breathtaking works of van Gogh, Cézanne, Monet, and Manet.
The converted railway station itself is a marvel, with its open and airy design complemented by a commanding giant clock. Your knowledgeable guide not only unveils the significance of each masterpiece but also shares the intriguing stories behind the artists who brought them to life.
Accompanied by your guide, explore the nuances of this unique period in art history, getting up close to appreciate the individual brushstrokes that define these iconic paintings. Among the treasures, experience van Gogh's mesmerising Starry Night over the Rhone, capturing the essence of the French city of Arles. Another gem is Renoir's Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, offering a vibrant portrayal of a typical Sunday afternoon in Paris.
Whether you choose the intimacy of a small group or the energy of a larger gathering, our tours promise an immersive and enriching experience that goes beyond the canvas, bringing the art and artists vividly to life. Join us for a journey through the realms of creativity, history, and culture that will leave an indelible mark on your artistic sensibilities.