Experience the best beaches and scenery on the north and east shores of Kauai, take in the striking geology of the Fern Grotto, learn about sea birds at the Kilauea Lighthouse and Wildlife Refuge and enjoy the spectacular sites at Anini Beach and Hanalei. Follow your guide for a journey over the land and on the river.
• Your day starts as your tour guide choices you up on Kauai's north and east shore. The comfortable, air-conditioned touring van offers large viewing windows on all sides for you to admire the beaches, mountains, and waterfalls.
• Step out to see Opaekaa Falls, known as “rolling shrimp” falls and the sacred heiau's.
• Arrive at the Wailua River and step aboard a spacious open-air riverboat for a leisurely journey to the Fern Grotto. Take a short walk through the rainforest brings you to one of Kauai's geological wonders, where ferns grow upside down in a natural amphitheatre of lava rock – the perfect location to be serenaded and entertained by Hawaiian musicians and hula dancers.
• See the amazing sea birds at the Kilauea Lighthouse and Wildlife Refuge, we go in on Wednesdays and observe from the Lookout on Mondays.
• Continue to see spectacular sites on the north and east shores of our beautiful Garden Isle including Hanalei, Anini, Sleeping Giant, and much more.