Enjoy our walking tour around the medieval city: lern why Freiburg is the Capital of the Black Forest and why it ist considered the greenest city in Germany. Discover the history of the city and its indipendence as a merchant town. Experience the interesting historical evolution under the protection of the Habsburg up to the 19th century. We admire the Gothic Cathedral and learn why its tower is described as one of the most beautiful in Germany. Around the perimeter of the church, we explore the significant gargoyle sculptures depicting a wide variety of fantastic figures and creatures.
While reading the facades of the buildings we discover who the characters represented on the Historisches Kaufhaus are.
We stroll throhugh the pictoresque Konviktstrasse with its distinctive buildings and we admire the Schwabentor and St. Martin's Tor discovering the legends behind the paintings.
Experience the water flowing in the small canals and see how it was and is used now.
That's not all, Freiburg has many other curiosities such as the Crocodile in the Gerberau; there is a house called the Wahle House and there are wonderful mosaic pavements.