Pick up in your hotel in Boa Viagem and drive along Av Boa Viagem. We will visit Parque das Esculturas, Casa da Cultura e Praça do Marco Zero and unforgettable ride through the waters of the Capibaribe River covering the three islands in the centre of Recife; Santo Antonio, Recife Antigo and Boa Vista.
You will also be passing under five bridges: Bridge September 12, Maurício de Nassau Bridge, Bridge Manuel Buarque de Macedo Bridge Elizabeth and princess Bridge Duarte Coelho.
On board, we have the presence of a guide who will tell us stories and curiosities about Recife and cruise along Capeberibe River inside the old town of Recife. 1 hour and 20 min duration
After this wonderfull ride we will take you back to your Hotel.