By Rebecca Wurd, on November 21, 2016

Pen Your Adventures in this Awesome Singapore-Made Travel Journal

“Take the road less travelled and you will find yourself in unexpected places”

The cover speaks right to the heart of any traveller, any adventurer, who has the insatiable fire brimming within to go. Go new places, feel new things, experience the world. Challenge oneself in the great ‘out there’ and come back transformed.

Flip past the cover of the Travel Bandits Travel Journal and you’ll find all the little blocks upon which travellers’ dreams are built. Holiday wish lists, world maps, pages to proudly mark all the places you’ve been, saving goals, guide to power sockets, budget trackers…  The pages of this journal are not just about igniting the spark that makes your heart beat faster for a place you haven’t been. They also function to help you plan and realistically manage your way to making those adventures a reality, with lots of space to capture those memories once you’re on the road.


As a traveller myself. who truly loves adventures – even if it means going alone to explore a place none of my friends have ever been – this travel journal hits the sweet spot. When I’m out satisfying my curiosity out there, I feel so much. I always travel with a journal for all the stories and moments I want to capture. And, well, nice stationery can also get me embarrassingly giddy with excitement. So, I really like that this travel journal is thoughtfully designed for the likes of me!

The Travel Bandits Journal

There’s even a cool story behind the birth of the journal.

Singaporean Michelle Lee was working at an architectural firm when the influence of all her globetrotting took over and pushed her on a new path. A business adventure on a road less travelled. She quit her job and started Travel Bandits with the entrepreneurial goal of creating innovative products to make travels easier.


The Travel Bandits Journal is the first product available.

“I personally find writing and sketching your thoughts on paper leaves a stronger impression. It’s also a way of personalizing your own Journal. Your journal is a keepsake you’ll reminisce in the future when you look back for years to come.

With Travel Bandits, I hope to inspire travellers to sketch and note every details of their adventures on paper rather than on electronic media.” – Michelle, Founder of Travel Bandits

Features We Love

MAPS     Colour-in the places you’ve been; Visualize geography for planning city-hopping itinerarieswhere-have-you-beenBUDGETING     Ya can’t go nowhere without locking down that budget. The journal helps you with your pre-trip saving goals, plus budget breakdown to keep track of actual costs on a trip.

ON THE ROAD    As you’re jotting down your day’s memories, the page headers keep your flight information top of mind and the address for your next hotel. It’s always good to have these written down as batteries have a way of running flat at the most inopportune moments! Pen and paper my friends, pen and paper.

MONTHLY CALENDAR VIEW     Visualize where you will be on each day. Mark your early flights.

Here’s where I love to use some cute post-it notes that I can move around when planning the exact route of a trip. You’ll see your trip at a glance — which days you need to wake up early to catch a train or flight, when you have fixed tours, which are your free days etc.


POWER     What international plugs and travel adapters do you need?travel-bandits-power

PACKING CHECKLIST WITH PERFORATED EDGE: Ingenious! Good for final checks.packing-checklist-travel-bandits

TRAVELOGUES LED BY MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES      Don’t read them ahead! Read them on the road. We often get excited before a trip, and fuss about waking up early and rushing for flights when we’re actually travelling. The quotes are a good way to give you a jolt of motivation when you’re out there, and remind you to appreciate the awesome experience you’re actually going through.

I especially love that the pages lay out with lined-pages on one side, and bare on the other. Great for some freeform creativity, doodles or even sticking a few of the day’s activities in there from tourism brochures or ticket stubs. travel-quotes get-lost

WHO DA FELLA     Jot down the contact details of all those cool people you meet while travelling. Transfer from your scraps of paper exchanged with strangers-become-friends. Those scraps are easy to lose! I even like writing stuff down so I don’t only rely on my phone and this is a good place to keep them altogether. One day, you’ll look back at all the friends you made on this trip and smile.

BACK FOLDER      Stuff those scraps of notes, itineraries, receipts in

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect” – Anais Nin

It’s a cool travel diary. It does check a lot of the boxes that I need — before travelling and on the road.

Maybe the only thing that’s missing is the fanciful world-inspiration designs instead of the minimalist look. But I suppose many people do in fact appreciate the simple and clean look. You’re meant to fill it up with your own colour after all. The thing to love most with Travel Bandits journal is its functionality catered very much to the travellers journey, from dreaming to planning to accounting to storytelling.

I’d love to travel with it. Would you?

The travel bandits journal is now available online on their website here. Free local delivery in Singapore.