By Expedia Singapore, on March 8, 2019

International Women’s Day: Women With Capes

Happy International Women’s Day to all the amazing women around the world!

In celebration of the spirit of womanhood, this International Women’s Day, Expedia Singapore proudly presents Women with Capes. It features real-life experiences of 10 inspiring women around the world, who credit travel as a very important element in their personal journeys of growth, empowerment and leading fulfilling lives.

The women come from different places and wear many capes – solo travellers, mothers, career women, wives, fitness buffs, entrepreneurs, models, social media queens… But all of them have flown above gender stereotypes, zipped around the world and unleashed the power of travel in their lives.

And they want girls to know, the world is yours to explore too.

Travelling is easier today than ever before. Yet there remain many barriers unique to women — even if it’s just the persisting idea that it’s unsafe or unwise for women to travel without men accompanying them. Solo travel is on the rise but many still think this is reserved for men. These women paint the picture that it is, in fact, possible, and amazing. But they do not gloss over the challenges.

In Women with Capes, they discuss the gender limitations head-on. But they also share how that has helped them grow and become the strong women they are today, making it one of the best International Women’s Day events for wanderlust women around the world.

Women with Capes, International Women's Day event

All the women have different profiles. Merel van der Wouden of the Netherlands quit her corporate job to be a girl boss working as a digital nomad from anywhere in the world with internet connectivity. Nellie Huang of Singapore has travelled to 129 countries and found love while travelling. Vanessa Paranjothy travels to developing countries to help women through her social start-up. Brooke Iseppi of Australia found fame on Instagram thanks to her beautiful twin daughters of mixed-parentage.

They are not all the same. Their message in Women with Capes is not that solo travel is a must for everyone, or that every girl should quit her job and travel full-time. Together, they just want to show that it is possible, fulfilling and travel is a path open to women. With Expedia, they are proud to set a real-life example to empower girls to know that if you have a desire to travel, you can.

Visit the Women with Capes site and follow their stories.