Cheap Flights from Düsseldorf to Manchester

Frequently asked questions

How much is a flight from Duesseldorf to MAN?
Within the past 7 days on Expedia, for flights departing within the next year, the lowest price quoted for a round-trip journey from Duesseldorf to MAN was . Great fares don’t hang around forever, so make sure you book yours ASAP. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms apply.
Do I need to pay a cancellation fee if I cancel my flight from QDU to Ringway Airport?
Every air carrier has different terms and conditions. If you decide to cancel your trip, visit our Customer Service Portal.
How do I find cheap flights from Duesseldorf to Manchester Airport (MAN) that have flexible change policies?
Many airlines offer the option to reschedule your flight without a change fee. All you pay is the difference between the original flight and the new flight. When you’re searching for QDU to MAN flights, you’ll see a “no change fees” filter for you to select.
How far is the flight from Duesseldorf to Manchester Airport (MAN)?
A flight distance of just 660 kilometres separates Düsseldorf and Manchester. Once you’re in the air, you won’t have time to do much more than listen to some short podcasts.
Which airlines fly direct from QDU to Manchester Airport (MAN)?
Flying directly between QDU and Ringway Airport isn’t possible at present. However, you’ll still be able to find a flight to Manchester with at least one stop.
Are Duesseldorf to Ringway Airport flight tickets cheaper when they're purchased at the last minute?
Late planners can occasionally nab a bargain, with some super cheap airfares from Duesseldorf to Manchester Airport (MAN) arising a few weeks prior to the departure date. If you’d rather book ahead, Expedia compares and updates all the best flight deals continually — as early as 12 months in advance in some cases. It does depend on the carrier though, as not all airlines quote prices that far in advance.
*Available to Expedia members.