Examine works by world-famous painters, enjoy open-air jazz performances and gaze in awe at striking sunsets when visiting this picturesque museum complex.
Examine works by world-famous painters, enjoy open-air jazz performances and gaze in awe at striking sunsets when visiting this picturesque museum complex.
Capoeira dancers amaze passersby and artisans hawk souvenirs at this handsome central square where colonial mansions sit next to centuries-old churches.
Capoeira dancers amaze passersby and artisans hawk souvenirs at this handsome central square where colonial mansions sit next to centuries-old churches.
Examine works by world-famous painters, enjoy open-air jazz performances and gaze in awe at striking sunsets when visiting this picturesque museum complex.
Capoeira dancers amaze passersby and artisans hawk souvenirs at this handsome central square where colonial mansions sit next to centuries-old churches.