The Travel Edit: Deals and inspiration

This week's round-up of deals and ideas for your next trip

Kayakers float along a river flanked by cherry trees in blossom. In the distance, you can see the tall buildings of a city.

The Annual Holiday Event

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Frequently asked questions

Whether you’re a theatre-goer looking to see Broadway on affordable holiday deals to New York, a sun-worshipper looking for cheap travel deals to Dubai or a history buff interested in booking holiday deals to Athens, Expedia has got you covered. As a matter of fact, when it comes to cheap travel deals, you’ll find plenty of bargains on a wide selection of destinations around the globe. From all-inclusive holiday deals to cheap hotel deals and 5-star holiday deals, we’ll put you where you want to be, and at a price that doesn’t break the bank.

Book late holiday deals to Mexico to unwind and de-stress on the magnificent beaches, get away for a weekend of tapas and flamenco on travel deals to Spain or roll the dice on glitzy holiday deals to Las Vegas : Expedia offers perfect holiday deals for you and your family.

What do we mean by cheap deals?

Expedia makes it easy to put together the perfect affordable trip, as you can make your cheap holiday deals even cheaper by booking a package, go big with an all-inclusive, or just go à la carte by booking cheap flight deals and cheap hotel deals separately. But no matter how you choose to put together your next adventure, Expedia’s travel deals and offers are sure to save you a bundle. Just click on through to see which offers for holidays take your fancy.

What kinds of holiday can I get a deal on?

Whether you want to choose from our package deals and book holidays to Bali or just stay local with a domestic holiday deal, you can find the ideal getaway on Expedia.

When it comes to late travel deals, nearby getaway cities are worth considering, as they offer the perfect opportunity to de-stress on city breaks, especially as you can book cheap hotel deals for just one or two nights. If you’re looking for something a little more epic, you’ll find a number of adventurous options, including travel deals to Thailand and offers on holidays to Ibiza.

How do I find the cheap travel deals?

Travel is the best thing that money can buy, and sometimes it can be expensive, but bagging a bargain on Expedia will allow you to splash out on local food and culture. Not only will you discover great holiday deals, you’ll find inspirations for bucket-list destinations.

Just click on through and you’ll find a great selection of cheap holiday deals to suit all tastes and budgets. Last-minute travel deals and late travel deals offer fantastic savings, so book before they’re gone, and make sure to check back for new deals.

Terms and Conditions

*Selected properties only. Book by 31/3/2025 11:59pm in the hotel property’s local time. Stay between 25/2/2025–8/9/2025. Member Prices are available to Expedia® app users and Expedia® Rewards members. Limited availability, blackout periods may apply.
Package prices quoted are per person and per stay based on the cheapest return flights from the specified airports and two people sharing the cheapest double room, inclusive of all taxes. Additional luggage charges may apply to flights and packages, including flights provided by low-cost airlines. Other fees may apply. Some airlines may charge an additional fee based on payment type. Prices will vary by date, length of stay, hotel selected, hotel room category, departure city and availability. Save on participating properties with savings as marked. Fares may be non-refundable and are not transferable. Name changes may not be permitted.
Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.
Promoter: Expedia, Inc., 1111 Expedia Group Way West, Seattle, Washington 98119, USA.