A frequent jumping-off point for travellers to Martha’s Vineyard, Woods Hole also has its own attractions. Within the tiny town, find interesting marine attractions, as well as world-famous oceanographic institutes.
Until the arrival of Europeans in the 1600s, Woods Hole was inhabited by the native Wampanoag tribe. Today see its marine environment, providing one of the world’s most important centers for scientific exploration.
Explore Nobska Lighthouse to discover the village’s nautical heritage. Take a tour and admire the views from the tower. On a clear day, you’ll be able to see Martha’s Vineyard and the Elizabeth Islands across the water.
Head to the Woods Hole Science Aquarium for a fun family day. The aquarium has about 140 different kinds of marine creatures, including seals, lobsters and crabs. Observe a seal training session or visit the touch tanks to handle sea stars and hermit crabs. Buzzards Bay Discovery Centre is another great place to get hands-on experience with Cape Cod’s marine wildlife.
Tour the Marine Biological Laboratory, an outstanding facility that has hosted 54 Nobel Laureates. Here, see some of the animals being studied and view the laboratory grounds. Learn more at the Pierce Exhibit Centre which chronicles the history of the Marine Biological Laboratory.
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is one of the most respected institutes of its kind in America and offers visitors a fascinating look into its work at the Ocean Science Exhibit Centre. Among the must-see items here is a model of the Alvin vessel, which was used to investigate the Titanic wreckage in the 1980s.
At the Woods Hole Historical Museum, inspect a model of the town showing how it appeared in the 1890s and check out old photography and paintings of Woods Hole. Various exhibits shed light on the town’s past.
Woods Hole has a ferry service to Martha’s Vineyard and is about an 80-minute drive from Boston Logan International Airport. The town itself is walkable.