Things to do in Port Said Governorate

Activities, attractions and tours

Port Said Governorate
Photo by ‎هند محمد
Photo by Jeffrey Gross

What to do in Port Said Governorate

Popular places to visit

Areas of Port Said Governorate

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If you're looking for some top things to see and do in Al-Manakh and surrounding area, you can visit Military Museum and Waterfront Quarter.

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Az-Zohur might not have many top sights, but Waterfront Quarter and Military Museum are two attractions nearby that you can check out.

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When in Ad-Dawahy, you can plan a visit to Waterfront Quarter and Military Museum, some noteworthy sights in the nearby area.

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While there might not be top attractions in Ash-Sharq, you can explore the larger area and discover places like Waterfront Quarter and Military Museum.



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