Popular cities in Södermanland County
Known for Natural parks and Historical
Reasons to visit
- Stendorren Nature Reserve
Known for Museums, Theme parks and Zoo
Discover the fascinating local history of one of Sweden's most prominent industrial cities.
Known for Budget, Rivers and Historical
Take a trip to Nykoping and discover fascinating museums, numerous golf courses and ideal spots for swimming and fishing.
Known for Castle, Small town and Marinas
Shopping, fine dining and historical sights are just the beginning on a visit to Mariefred; also enjoy beautiful nature and adventurous activities by Lake Malaren.
Known for Dining, Secluded and Family-friendly
A stone's throw away from Stockholm awaits Oxelosund, a town that you can explore with all your senses.
Known for Diving, Castle and Golf
Book a holiday in Trosa and stay in this idyllic village next to the islands and skerries of Södermanland.
Cities in Södermanland County

Take a trip to Nykoping and discover fascinating museums, numerous golf courses and ideal spots for swimming and fishing.

Discover the fascinating local history of one of Sweden's most prominent industrial cities.

In the Swedish town of the linden trees you will enjoy unforgettable adventures. There are many sights that testify to the area's incredibly rich history.

Book a holiday in Trosa and stay in this idyllic village next to the islands and skerries of Södermanland.
AbborrtorpAgnesundAkers StyckebrukArlaAspöAvlaBergshammarBerlinBettnaBjörktorpBjörkvikBjörndalenBjörnlundaBondebyBälgvikenBöcklingeCentrumEnstabergaEskilstunaFindlaFlenForssjöFågelbo-Väster-ÖsterGlottraGnestaGrundbroGrövsbolHagbyHargHenrikstorpHorsholmHugelstaHusby-RekarneHyggbyHälleforsnäsHäradHållstaJonakerJulitaKatrineholmKjulaasKullerstaKvicksundKårstaLappeLitselbyMalmkopingMariefredMellosaNavekvarnNykopingNärkeNäshultaOxelosundRinkebySjösaSkogsbySkogstorpSkoldingeSlottsbrinkenSnytbergaSparreholmStallarholmenStavsjöStigtomtaStjarnhovStora SundbySträngnäsStudsvikStålbogaSunda-RamdalshöjdenTorshällaTrosaTybbleTystbergaUllstaVagnharadVallaVallsundVasterljungVingåkerVrenaVästra NäshultaÅlbergaÅlsäterÅnsund