Praca da Republica

Praca da Republica which includes a monument, a park and a small town or village

Join locals in this busy public square, an ancient marketplace that is now home to trendy bars and restaurants.

Praça da República is one of Vila do Conde’s most popular public squares. Connected to some of the city’s most well-known attractions, this bustling urban centre is a wonderful place to get an insight into everyday life in town.

Follow the path that wraps around the square, passing well-groomed gardens. Sit down on one of the benches found in this central garden and enjoy the views of the Ave River or watch the steady movement of people around the square. 

In the centre of the square, you’ll find a lovely 18th-century granite fountain. Just adjacent to the fountain, look for a bronze bust depicting Domingos de Azevedo Antunes, who is credited with promoting modern farming techniques in the region.

Be sure to check out the square’s most distinct building, Auditorio Municipal (Casa dos Vasconcelos). Originally built in the 18th century, this handsome two-level building has been converted into a public auditorium and exhibition hall. The auditorium hosts numerous cultural events throughout the year, including concerts, exhibitions, dance performances and theatre. Find out if any events are taking place during your visit and sign up for one of the free tours held Tuesday to Sunday. 

During your busy day of sightseeing, take a break at a café overlooking the square. Stop by again in the evening for a drink at one of the town’s late-night bars. The restaurants around the square are also a great place to sample traditional Portuguese food. Order a plate of fresh squid, or try a dish of bream, shellfish or mackerel. 

Follow the steep street connecting the square to the Convento de Santa Clara (Convent of St. Clare). Founded in the 14th century, this hillside monastery offers picturesque views back over the Ave River and town centre. 

Vila do Conde is located 17 miles (27 kilometres) north of Porto and can be reached by bus or car. Praça da República is found close to the river, near the bridge linking the town centre to Azurara.

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