Møre og Romsdal

Popular cities in Møre og Romsdal
Known for Sea, Tours and Museums
Ålesund is ideally located on the coast of Sunnmøre. In 2007, it was voted Norway's most beautiful town by the country's inhabitants, and is renowned for its Art Nouveau architecture.
Reasons to visit
- Aksla Viewpoint
- Alesund Church
- Alesund Museum
Known for Excursions, Mountains and Spas
Idyllically located among the fjords and the mountains, Stranda may be best known as the home of the village of Geiranger.
Reasons to visit
- Geirangerfjord
- Norwegian Fjordcenter
- Flydalsjuvet
Known for Ports, Ferries and boats and Opera
Kristiansund is located on an island in the county of Nordmøre. Nature experiences are the city's main attraction, as well as the world-renowned Atlanterhavsveien (Atlantic Ocean Road).
Known for Mountains, Sea and Islands
A trip to Molde can mean both experiences in nature and lively jazz. In the "Town of Roses" you can also find numerous museums and historical sites and experience the beautiful coast and Romsdal fjords.
Cities in Møre og Romsdal

Ålesund is ideally located on the coast of Sunnmøre. In 2007, it was voted Norway's most beautiful town by the country's inhabitants, and is renowned for its Art Nouveau architecture.

A trip to Molde can mean both experiences in nature and lively jazz. In the "Town of Roses" you can also find numerous museums and historical sites and experience the beautiful coast and Romsdal fjords.

Magnificent fjords dazzle and mountains rise high in the astonishingly beautiful UNESCO-listed landscape where this village is located.

Kristiansund is located on an island in the county of Nordmøre. Nature experiences are the city's main attraction, as well as the world-renowned Atlanterhavsveien (Atlantic Ocean Road).

Idyllically located among the fjords and the mountains, Stranda may be best known as the home of the village of Geiranger.
AheimAlstadAngvikAukraAureAveroyBjordalBjorkeBrattvågBudEideEidsdalEidsvågFarstadFiksdalFinnoyFiskåbygdFjordFjørtoftFolkestadFosnavågFraenaFreiGeirangerGiskeGjemnesGodøyGrodåsGurskenHaramHareidHellesyltHeroyHildreHornindalHundeidvikHustadvikaInnfjordenIsfjordenKarvagKristiansundKvalsundKvisvikLangevågLarsnesLyngstadMauseidvågMidsundMidsund kommuneMoldeMåndalenNessetNorddalOnaOrstaRaumaReinsvikSaeboSandeSandoySandshamnSjoholtSkodjeSmølaSolavågenSovikSpjelkavikStangvikStordalStrandaSulaSunndalSunndalsoraSurnadalSykkylvenSyvikSæbøTafjordTingvollTingvollvågenTjorvagTorvikbuktUlsteinvikUrkeValderoyValldalVanylvenVatneVeiholmenVestnesVevangVigraVoldaVollÅlesundÅlvundeidÅndalsnesØksendalsøraØrskogØye