Popular cities in Liguria
Experience authentic Italy as you explore the grand palaces and medieval streets of this ancient port town.
Reasons to visit
- Piazza de Ferrari
- Aquarium of Genoa
- Palazzo Ducale
This port town exudes energy with a busy harbor and streets buzzing with local activity. It’s also home to places of historic and cultural interest.
Reasons to visit
- Ferry Terminal
- Castello San Giorgio
- Cattedrale di Cristo Re
This childhood home of Christopher Columbus has a modern port, atmospheric medieval center, sandy beaches and access to superb hiking.
Reasons to visit
- Savona Harbor
- Fortezza del Priamar
Twisting bicycle paths on the pretty Ligurian coastline, the famous Municipal Casino and cultural events make this one of Italy’s most enticing destinations.
Cities in Liguria
Experience authentic Italy as you explore the grand palaces and medieval streets of this ancient port town.
La Spezia
This port town exudes energy with a busy harbor and streets buzzing with local activity. It’s also home to places of historic and cultural interest.
Twisting bicycle paths on the pretty Ligurian coastline, the famous Municipal Casino and cultural events make this one of Italy’s most enticing destinations.
Feel as if you’ve stumbled onto a vintage Technicolor film set. You might even experience the jet set lifestyle.
AlassioAlbengaAlbisola SuperioreAlbissola MarinaAmegliaAndoraApricaleArcolaArenzanoArma di TaggiaBadaluccoBergeggiBeverinoBogliascoBonassolaBordigheraBorghetto Santo SpiritoBorgio VerezziCamogliCamporossoCasaleCasarza LigureCastelnuovo MagraCastiglione ChiavareseCaviCelle LigureCerialeCervoChiavariCipressaCivezzaCogoletoCogornoCornigliaCostaraineraDeiva MarinaDiano CastelloDiano MarinaDiano San PietroDolceacquaDolcedoFinalborgoFinale LigureFinale PiaFramuraGenoaGrimaldiImperiaLa SpeziaLaiguegliaLatteLavagnaLeiviLericiLevantoLoanoManarolaMarina di AndoraMoloMonegliaMonterosso al MareNoliOspedalettiPerinaldoPietra LigurePieve LigurePignonePorto MaurizioPortofinoPortovenereRapalloReccoRicco del Golfo di SpeziaRiomaggioreRiva LigureRiva TrigosoSan Bartolomeo al MareSan BernardinoSan Lorenzo al MareSan TerenzoSanremoSanta Margherita LigureSanto Stefano al MareSarzanaSavonaSeborgaSestri LevanteSoriSpotornoTaggiaTellaroVado LigureVallecrosiaVarazzeVarigottiVasiaVentimigliaVernazzaVillaZoagli