If you're spending some time in Balneário Camboriú Centro, Central Beach and Almirante Tamandare Square are top sights worth seeing.
You'll enjoy the beaches and theme parks in Barra Sul. You might want to make time for a stop at Oceanic Aquarium or Central Beach.
Travellers like the beaches in Pioneiros, and FG Big Wheel is a top attraction you might want to visit.
You'll enjoy the beaches and parks in Praia dos Amores. You might want to make time for a stop at Careca Hill or Buraco Beach.
Travellers like the monuments in Nacoes, and Cristo Luz Monument is a top attraction you might want to visit.
The most affordable Estaleiro holiday package is , so your dream trip can become a reality — without the high price tag. Bundle flights, hotels and car rentals to build a package that matches your travel style.
If you love getting a great deal, bundle your bookings into an Estaleiro holiday package. Whether you're looking for hotels, flights, day tours or rental cars, you can browse and book them all in one place. You'll have a wealth of choice at your fingertips as well. Expedia has more than 550 partner airlines and 1,000,000 hotel options around the world to select from. Fly with who you prefer, stay anywhere you like and save precious dollars — now that's the perfect escape!
With fascinating attractions like Unipraias Park and Balneario Camboriu Cable Car in this area, try to find a hotel situated near them. Estaleiro Beach is another sight in Estaleiro that people flock to.
Estaleiro Guest House and Pousada Ponta Do Lobo are two of the most well-known hotels in Estaleiro. Why not take a look at the rates and amenities at each and then decide?
While not all air carriers advertise tickets early, you can usually start comparing international fares on Expedia up to 12 months in advance. This is the time when you can nab some fantastic bargains. If you've left things to the last minute, you might still be in luck. Discounted prices occasionally emerge only weeks prior to departure.
It depends on what sort of escape you're planning. Estaleiro travel deals can include car rentals, hotels and flights. You can mix and match to create the package that suits your style and budget. You can also add on experiences and activities after you've booked to land even bigger discounts.
Bundling your bookings into an Estaleiro holiday package is the easiest way to organise your trip. Not only that, you'll save when you combine your flights, hotels and car rentals. Once you've booked, why not add on an activity or a tour?
Yes, you're in control. Expedia has access to more than 550 airlines globally, so you can tailor your Estaleiro holiday according to your budget and travel needs.
Because we understand life can throw you a few curveballs, the answer is yes. For further details, visit our Customer Service Portal. But generally speaking, if you've booked your package in the last 24 hours, you may be able to change or cancel it without penalty. Your airline, hotel or car rental company may impose a fee if your booking is older than that.