An old garrison town, and now a scenic but bustlingurban area, Enniskillen offers a quintessentialtaste of Irish life. Here you can try your hand at fishing on the clear watersof the nearby LoughErne, visit the unique shops of the Buttermarket or simply savour theculinary delights offered in its many restaurants, pubs and eateries.
Shopping in Enniskillen
A combination of high street shops, independenttraders, coffee houses and restaurants are all located on the banks of theRiver Erne and make Enniskillen’s commercialcentre the finest in the area.
If you like your arts and crafts, why not check outthe Buttermarket? This cobbled 19th century dairy market, now beautifullyrestored, hosts County Fermanagh’s best marketsand collection of craft traders in an assortment of quirky little shops.
Sports and Leisure in Enniskillen
With lakes nearby and a river running through thetown centre, water sports are very popular here. Fishing is a great way torelax and mix with the locals and Upper Lough Erneis host to an annual angling competition, which takes place everyspring.
For keen athletes, Enniskillenalso has a weekly park run and hosts the Enniskillen10K road race every summer.
There are country walks through breathtakingscenery nearby and options for cycling too: you’ll never be short of ways toenjoy the great outdoors in Enniskillen.
Culture and the Arts in Enniskillen
Aswell as the arts and crafts of the quaint Buttermarket, Enniskillen’sArdhowen Theatre offers a splendid programme of performance art with plays,live music, ballet, comedy and even the occasional puppet show. With aresplendent view of the lake just west of the venue, this is a great way toexperience the best of County Fermanagh’s localarts scene.
DiscoverEnniskillen’s History
Thenearby EnniskillenCastle, a 16th century fortification, overlooks thecrystal clear waters of Lough Erne and the verdantCastle Island. If that’s not enough heritage for you, history lovers will behappy to hear it houses not one, but two museums. The Fermanagh County Museum takesyou on a walk through the area’s natural history, while the InniskillingsMuseum has an impressive array of military memorabilia from the town’s garrisondays.
EatingOut in Enniskillen
Acasual diner’s paradise, the food scene in Enniskillenis relaxed but sumptuous. With great pub grub at affordable prices, Enniskillenhas some award-winning eateries as well as a choice of international cuisine. Ifyou are looking to treat yourself to something a little more lavish you can trythe gourmet delights at one of Enniskillen’stop-notch hotels, overlooking the lake.
LakeTours in Enniskillen
No trip to Northern Ireland would be completewithout a lake tour. You can take a guided trip to Lough Erne’sancient Devenish Island and its haunting 6th century ruins.
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