Christopher Columbus Statue

Christopher Columbus Statue

Mayaguez’s monument to the famous explorer speaks of Puerto Rico’s history and is one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks.

When walking around the city of Mayagüez in western Puerto Rico, stop at the statue of Christopher Columbus. The impressive, 19th-century monument marks an excellent starting point for exploring some of the city’s best sights. Relax in the surrounding square and take time to appreciate the statue before visiting other destinations within the city.

Christopher Columbus is regarded with fondness in Puerto Rico, as he is seen as an explorer, not an exploiter. The Italian traveler landed on the island, which he named San Juan Bautista, in 1493. It was one of his fellow voyagers, Juan Ponce de Leon, who subsequently exploited the land and its people by enslaving them for mining purposes. Admire a statue that was installed in 1893 to mark 400 years since Columbus landed in Puerto Rico.

Stroll to the center of Plaza de Colon to find the elegant statue. Columbus is carved in detailed marble, carrying a flag and standing on top of a globe. The sculpture stands on an ornate stone plinth decorated with white floral details. The plinth is surrounded by a pleasant fountain with jets of water forming a circle around the statue.

Wander around the square to find 16 smaller brass statues. These were imported from Barcelona to be a part of the square named after the explorer.

The statue faces the Alcaldía de Mayagüez, or the City Hall. This classically styled building features a portico supported by Corinthian columns and an impressive clock tower. Turn away from the statue to see the square’s other major landmark, the Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Take photos of this simple yet attractive cathedral, which is the religious center of the diocese.

Public transportation runs to streets near Plaza de Colon, where you will see the Christopher Columbus Statue. Walk here from other attractions such as Parque Litoral, a coastal destination about 25 minutes away, or the Puerto Rican National Heroes Park, which is less than 10 minutes away.

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