I slept in one of the two beds and woke up around 5:30 to find about ten bug bites on my right side of torso. That’s the side I slept on. I went to the office immediately and showed the staff the bites and asked them to change sheets when they do their daily chore. She was sympathetic and agreed. We left the hotel at 8:30 and came back around 4:30pm. I thought the staff had taken care of the bugs so I lay down on the same bed and rested. This time within an hour i was bitten on my back a dozen times because I was on my back this time . I jumped into shower and stripped and searched my clothes, didn’t find anything, so I knew the bug was still in the bed. I sent my husband to talk to the staff again. She explained that they did everything they could. She was truly apologetic and sympathetic. She asked for pictures of the bites so we did take pictures and texted her. She came back saying if we check out then the owner will give us a full refund for that day. It was 6pm. We decided to leave as I was exhausted and couldn't take another round of bites. Between physical discomfort and mental stress, having to find a place to sleep last minute or to disappoint our child by ending the trip sooner and heading home, and financial loss of cancelling the next days activities which we paid for already, we had a very stressful experience that day there. It was Saturday and we emailed about the refund on Monday morning but we never heard back. Not a confirmation, not an apology, nothing.